One month done!

That was fast. I still can’t believe that 1 month of my 3 month internship at Nokia is already over. And as I had promised, I’ve finished my first project in the given one month. This month has been really great. The FreOffice “viewer” for Maemo5, which at the start of this month was just a viewer has turned into the FreOffice Office Suite in one month. All this thanks to us interns....

<span title='2010-07-16 01:13:20 +0000 UTC'>July 16, 2010</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min

Got the N900........wooooooo........boooooooo

The 2nd week of my internship at Nokia Research Center is almost done. Nokia gave me my N900 device for me to develop with. I was so excited and was making plans on how to use it when the bomb was dropped. I’m supposed to use the device only inside Nokia premises, not supposed to take it out. :( Bummer. Anyways, got my internet connection in bangalore today too. Got an Airtel connection....

<span title='2010-06-24 16:21:32 +0000 UTC'>June 24, 2010</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min

Off to Bangalore

I’m off to Bangalore tomorrow. I’ll be there for the next 3 months, doing my internship with Nokia. The next post I do will be from Bangalore. See ya guys then.

<span title='2010-06-14 16:48:09 +0000 UTC'>June 14, 2010</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min

Exams done!!!

VI sem done. Only one more year of college (if I decide no to go for post graduation) left. Now 3 months of vacations!!!!!!!! Oh wait. No vacations for me. It’s three months of internship at Nokia. Starting next Wednesday, 16th June. Till then, time to have fun. See ya.

<span title='2010-06-11 13:27:00 +0000 UTC'>June 11, 2010</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min